

“White for Harvest”

“Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, then comes the harvest’?  Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest” John 4:35.  The fields white for harvest are not white heads as we look out over our congregations on Sunday morning.  Churches of every stripe are facing aging populations as younger generations are increasingly not attending churches.  And, of those who are in our pews, most have obeyed the gospel already.  We lament that there are not many who “grow up in the church” anymore to have baby-to-believer growth, and transfer growth, the redistribution of sheep from one of God’s pens to another, is a lazy method for the Lord’s church to count on.  Should we compete with other churches for those already saved or hope that they just happen to walk in?  No, it’s time for each church in the new year to recognize that God’s plan all along for churches to grow is by reaching out to the lost.  Our buildings sit within the harvest fields of our communities that are full of people who need to hear the gospel.  It’s unlikely that they are yet “white for harvest” as the world in Jesus’ day.  We may have to work before grain is ready for the sickle.  Are you willing to roll up your sleeves to plant seed and tend it so God can provide an increase?