

“His Delight is in the Law”

“but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night” Psalm 1:2.  I heard a widow exclaim as she related her story of what she had endured while losing her spouse, “I just don’t know how people who don’t have faith get through this!” That is true as I had thought the very same thing while going through my own ordeal.  The righteous are contrasted to the wicked in Psalm 1, and contrary to popular thinking, God doesn’t speak about any lukewarm middle ground except that He will spit those who try to live there out of His mouth.  Despite all the temporary glitz of this world that the wicked seem to have, they are like chaff that the wind drives away and won’t stand in the judgment.  The righteous, however, fixes his heart and mind on things above and so is like a tree by the water’s edge drinking deeply from God and bearing fruit “in season” for God because of it.  “In season” means that it comes just when God knows you need it at its proper time and in its proper way according to His perfect plan.  This is how Christians get through difficult situations —by faith!  Without it, the wicked often turn to many negative things to cope.  Are you a tree planted by water?