

“Like a Bear Robbed of Her Cubs”

“I will fall upon them like a bear robbed of her cubs; I will tear open their breast, and there I will devour them like a lion, as a wild beast would rip them open” Hosea 13:8.  To explain the unknown, you always describe it by comparing it to something that is known.  In this case, God is explaining through the prophet how deep He cares for Israel and how their sin hurts Him by comparing this to a bear robbed of her cubs.  He will bring judgment upon them for their turning away from Him, not because He enjoys dishing out punishment. No, just as a parent says, “this will hurt me more than it hurts you,” and it is true, so God is explaining what He as a good Father must do—in terms of a mother’s love! We’ve all heard the wisdom of not getting between a mother bear and her cubs, and in fact human mother’s who show this same deep love and protection for their kids are called ‘mama grizzlies.’  So God in describing for us what is indescribable uses the ultimate example to explain His fierce love and deep love for His own who have rejected Him from sin—'like a bear robbed of her cubs.’ His love for you and hurt because of your sin is the same.  Happy Mother’s Day!  Do you bear-ly return His love?