Be a culture in which seekers meet Jesus, become Disciples, and are equipped, encouraged, and empowered to steward their talents and gifts in magnifying the name of Jesus - impacting the community around us, and discovering what God can and will do through them.

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January 2025

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Weekly Devotional

“They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth” John 17:16-17. Good biblical teaching and preaching is exegetical (or “from the origin”) in nature. Why? Because God’s Word is truth. It just doesn’t contain the truth. It is truth. This isn’t just what people say about it. Christians shouldn’t claim something about God’s Word that it doesn’t claim for itself. And just because Jesus, who is Himself truth (John 14:6), and those who love God’s Word declare it to be truth, doesn’t mean that it is so in the minds of so many in this skeptical age. Truth is open to scrutiny and study … and passes every test. The evidence is overwhelming. What else in our world can do that? Many today claim that truth is what anyone wants it to be—or there’s no such thing as truth. Yet, those same people claiming that truth (and so morality) is relative will insist that the secular worldview must be followed by all. Even among those who call themselves Christians, there is often more of an eisegetical (into the origin) approach where they believe something to be true and then go to the Bible to find support for it. How great it is to have a book that is truth for all things!

“Will the Lord spurn forever, and never again be favorable? Has his steadfast love forever ceased? Are his promises at an end for all time? Has God forgotten to be gracious? Has he in anger shut up his compassion” Psalm 77:7-9. If you’ve ever been in a situation in life when your prayers have been lifted up to God, sometimes over and over again and for a long time, but He doesn’t seem to answer. This is what the psalmist is experiencing. Falling short of doubting God’s faithfulness, he nevertheless brings out the questions that each of us who have struggled through a terrible situation have asked. When the captives were being taken off into Babylon and the smoke from devastated Jerusalem was rising behind them, they lamented about their sin that had brought them to such a terrible place. But, midway through the pain of loss and taunts from their captors (Psalm 137:1-3), they come to a glorious realization though they have no immediate answer from God, “The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. ‘The LORD is my portion,’ says my soul, ‘therefore I will hope in him.’”  

"In Search of the Lord's Way" January Programs

SEARCH PROGRAMS - January 2025

(Topics subject to change without notice)

JANUARY 5 – AUTHORITY - If Jesus is Lord, does that mean He has authority over my life? How does He
rule in my life and how do we know what He wants us to be and do? Does it matter
whether I serve the Lord Jesus?

JANUARY 12 – BACK TO THE BIBLE - Why should we go back to the Bible? Isn’t the Bible an ancient book, and
how can it have authority over my faith and life today? Does what the Bible have
to say matter? How do we go back to the Bible in the 21st century?

JANUARY 19 – ACCOUNTABLE TO GOD - One day, when your life is over, you must give account to God for how
you’ve lived, how you think, how you treat others, and how you talk. We must
realize we are accountable to God for how we live in the present.

JANUARY 26 – OBEDIENCE - What does it mean to obey the Lord, and does the Lord expect us to obey
Him strictly? Can I substitute what I like for what God commands? If I follow
religious leaders, have I followed God and obeyed His will?


We are now able to accept contributions and donations online. 






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Thursday, January 16, 2025

“So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.”(Daily Reading, ESV)