

“In a Strait Betwixt Two”

“I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better.  But to remain in the flesh is more necessary on your account” Philippians 1:23-24.  On this day that so many celebrate death as something to fear, we who have hope recognize it as something “far better” because it means we will “depart and be with Christ.”  This understanding comes as we study God’s Word and obey the gospel but deepens as someone close to us who is in Christ transitions into His loving arms.  For a Christian, death is just a change of address.  Paul understood this, and that is why he struggled between the two paths we all have.  He knew what he would choose but knew also that as long as he still had breath, he had work to do—as do we.  It may be fun to dress up at this time of year and get together with friends to enjoy life in this festive season as long as we aren’t a stumbling block to the lost around us who don’t yet know the hope that is found in the One who conquered death.  And, while we do it, perhaps we can strengthen the saved and lead the lost to the hope of the gospel.  About death, are you living for Christ to be, as the KJV words it, “in a strait betwixt two”?