

“Salvation in No One Else”

“And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” Acts 4:12.  Only the gospel could give Peter and John such boldness before the very body that had condemned Jesus to death.  Not long before they had all deserted their Lord and Master in the garden and cowered in an upper room.  Despite his determination before the cross to even die with Jesus if necessary, Peter still denied the One He had earlier declared to be “the Christ, the Son of the living God.”  What was the difference?  The poured-out Holy Spirit and a resurrected Savior!  The good news of great joy was too good and the joy too great for Peter to contain.  So, the inquisition became an opportunity.  Jesus died for sin (they crucified Him), but God raised Him from the dead (death is conquered now through Christ).  All the world had the power to do was beg them not to speak in Jesus’ Name anymore.  And we know how that went!  Is that how you are?  Has the gospel so affected you that every interaction is an opportunity?  Are you enthusiastic that God became a man to die for your sins and then rose from the dead for your eternity?