

“Our God, He Is Alive!”

“All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made” John 1:1-3.  The science is settled.  Isn’t that what we’re told?  Yep, deciding that there is no God who spoke all we see into existence, man, in his infinite intellect, has already discovered everything there is to know about how something came from nothing and then how that coincidental accident of complex systems of galaxies down to the intricacies of a single cell are sustained.  Rather than the increasingly fantastic, fairy tale explanations that these secular anti-theologians spout, it is better to accept that “Our God, He Is Alive” and continues to be active in His creation today.  The first two stanzas tell us of the wonder and beauty in which God created our world and how He continually guides us through “His inspired Word.”  It is the third stanza which sings of God being the author of life that He alone possesses.  And it is true that just as men can only reorganize existing matter and not create as God does, they cannot make life from non-life.  This is why we need the fourth stanza of God’s Son upon a tree to bring us eternal life with Him one day! Do you know that “Our God, He Is Alive?”