

Dandelion Seed Head

Thoughts on nature and the Christian faith  -  8/9/21
“Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the
whole creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved,
but whoever does not believe will be condemned."
-  Mk. 16:15-16

    Although this picture might at first look like a massive fireworks display, it is really a close-up picture of a dandelion seed head.  Each seed is attached to small filaments which allow the seed to travel through the air for long distances by the slightest gust of wind.  Blowing these seeds into the air while making a wish is an old superstition in many cultures. A very versatile plant, dandelions can be eaten, used in medicines, made into dyes, drank in teas or wines, or even made into latex for rubber. But, for most people, they are just considered as a weed that seems to spread everywhere. But if you take the time to carefully examine them, dandelions are marvels of design and complexity. Looking at every part, one can see the intricate patterns and amazing beauty of these often despised plants. There is as much to inspire awe within us in the tiniest of God's creations below us as there is in the vastness of the universe above us. Also, the way dandelions spread has much in common with the way the gospel spreads. We, like tiny seeds on a dandelion head, are commissioned to carry the good news of what God has done for sinners into all the world. God himself will take that message and plant it within the hearts of those he has chosen to receive it. So, go where the Holy Spirit blows you and don't waste the seed you have been entrusted with through your own neglect. Dandelion seeds surely look small and insignificant, but they can cover the entire world. And so, if we are willing, can we.  -  John